Friday, January 9, 2009


One of God's greatest gifts to us is one other.

My alarm went off at 4:40 with morning. I was up late last night watching the football came and 4:40 seemed to come way too early. I was going to go back to sleep after turning the alarm off, but remembered that Nicole was meeting me in my driveway at 5:00 to run 12 miles. So I dragged myself out of bed, threw on some shorts, socks, shoes, hat, and a couple shirts and made it out my door at 5:00. Then we ran 12.5 pretty easy miles.

Here's the deal: without somebody waiting for me, I don't think I would have run this morning. Looking at my schedule today and tonight, I wouldn't have run at all. Other people make us better in running and in life.

The best way for an addict to be in recovery is from the help of another addict. The best way to learn is from others. Sharing joys is best done in the company of others. The same is true for sharing sorrows.

And so it is for being a disciple. Join a small group. Read the Bible with somebody. Get a mentor. Be a mentor. Serve together. Grow together. Pray together. Worship together. I think that is pretty much what Jesus was telling us when he told us to love each other.


Anonymous said...

Jackpot! 9 for 9 (days) in January! Where do you get this amazing stuff? Why not write a book--please!

Anonymous said...
