Tuesday, January 6, 2009


I don't consider peace to be the absence of war. Historians may take exception with me, but then again, I'm not sure how many historians read this blog. Even if they did they would probably be open to my definition once they thought about it.

Anyway, I think peace is something that happens inside somebody where we fully embrace who we are and whose we are. It's when we are fine with who we are and who we are not. It's being cool with our past, present, and future. Peace can happen in times of stillness and in times of anxiety. It can happen at a monastery and it can happen right in the middle of a war zone. And it can happen everywhere and anytime in between.

Jesus said: "I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid." (John 14:27) So there is another thing about peace that you need to know: it is a gift from God. Asking for peace and being open to receiving peace is going to work a whole lot better than trying to create it or come up with it on your own.

This morning I had to run early -- 5:00 a.m. Amber is sick and I wanted to be home before the boys woke up so she could sleep in. I got up at 4:45. I went to www.weather.com and checked the weather. Then I got dressed. Then I went running. It was cold, but calm. A totally clear sky. It was tough going. I felt like I was just grinding out the miles. I made it to the turn around point and 204th and F Streets which is 5 miles from my house. On the way back home I had to stop and tie my left shoe. I tied it. After I tied it, on my way back up, I looked up at the stars. I just stood there for a while on the north edge of F Street. No cars. No worries. No to do lists. No appointments. No dissertations or sermons or Cub Scout meetings or dirty diapers. Just me and God and some cool air. For the rest of the run I was fine with who I was and am and will be. It didn't matter that I was going slow or have a busy day in front of me or that I didn't get much sleep or that I wished I would have done some things differently the day before. It was a gift from God and I thankfully I accepted it.

10 miles easy in the hills. The last 4.5 miles very very peaceful.

Speaking of peace. Check this video out:


Anonymous said...

You are incredible!

Anonymous said...

That song is so beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

Your words and that song made my day! Glad you are blogging again.