Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Kurt and I got one of our last workouts in before Twin Cities. 1.75 warm-up and cool-down. The workout was 6.5 miles of 400 meters at 5:30 pace followed by 400 meters of recovery at 7:00 pace. We were right on with the faster running and a little slow on the slower stuff. The heart rate was getting up to 160 on the faster running and would go down in the 130s on the slower running.

I did this same workout about a month ago with Christy. It seemed a lot easier than that it did today. And the weather could not have been anymore perfect today.

I was kind of getting worried after the workout. Maybe I am not in as good as shape as I thought. Maybe I trained too hard this summer and have slacked off too much in the last month. Maybe I shouldn't have eaten those ribs the other night. In the grand scheme of things, I guess it doesn't matter a whole lot.

Paul writes to the Philippians not to worry. It applies to us as well. But sometimes I think it is kind of like telling a woman with a bad cold not to sniffle or sneeze. We worry about life. We worry about death. Kids. Money. Not being able to have kids. Not having money. Relationships. Health. Not being fast enough. There seem to be as many things to worry about as there are things. But Paul says: Don't worry. (Philippians 4:6) Come to think of it, Jesus said it too. We shouldn't worry. It won't add a single day to our life. (Matthew 6:25-27)

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