Tuesday, March 20, 2007



I usually run with people. Tonight I ran alone. I had a busy day that didn't end until after 8:00 p.m. By that time it is pretty dark outside. I ran around the trail at Zorinsky, 7.38 miles, in just under seven minutes per mile.

I enjoyed the time alone. I had time to think, dream, and pray. It was a beautiful night. I didn't miss the banter between friends or the energy that one gets from another. I just ran.

Loneliness has nothing to do with being physically alone. A person can be lonely in a crowded room full of friends and family. Another person can be all by himself or herself and be perfectly content with the love of God and the love of others.

The root of loneliness seems to be grounded in desiring to control or at least be embraced by someone we don't control or somebody who doesn't embrace us. The lonely person focuses on what he or she doesn't have rather than appreciating what he or she does have.

We all have the love of God. God tells us that alone is sufficient. Most of us have at least a few people who love us for who we are. Blessed is the one who embraces such things.

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