Tuesday, December 19, 2006



Maureen and I met at The Holy Family Shrine for a 12 mile hilly run this morning. Twenty degrees, sunny, and no wind. Perfect for a run. Some of the hills were brutal. Especially the first few miles and the last few miles.

Hills are tough. But they make the runner stronger. Most of us who run prefer a flat course, but we all know that hills happen in running--and in life.

Hills teach us an important lesson: climbing and growing and working hard and struggling are usually the things that make us stronger and the things that bring us closer to God.

There is something about reaching the summit of a hill. Maybe it's a feeling of accomplishment. Maybe it's knowing that if you climbed this hill there is not much else you can't do. Maybe it is the fact that the best view is from the top of the hill. Regardless, we can choose to defeat the hill or let the hill defeat us. Climbing a hill in running and in life takes hard work and discipline. But there are few things in running or life like reaching the summit.

Hebrews tells us that no discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. -Hebrews 12:11

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