I had this brilliant idea that I would integrate some circuit training into my marathon training program to be a more well-rounded athlete. At least it sounded like a good idea.
Yesterday's circuit was something like: 100 single-unders (jump rope), 15 bicep curls with a 45 pound bar on the flat side of the Bosu, 15 squats with the 45 pound bar on the flat side of the Bosu, 15 military presses with the 45 pound bar on the flat side of the Bosu, 15 tricep dips with a 35 pound plate, 100 bicycle crunches, 15 push-ups with my feet on a medicine ball and my hands on the flat side of the Bosu, and 100 single-unders without any rest. Rest for 3 minutes. x3
I guess I overdid it. The squats were the worst. They didn't really hurt at the time, but they are hurting bad today.
That is a something all of us can do from time to time -- overdoing it. We overreact, get angry, get obsessed, can't see the forest because we are too busy looking at the trees. It seems simple enough that for every action we have at least an equal and opposite reaction. If one is good, two must be better. And three is better than two.
In a bit of irony, Bosu is all about balance. The same little half-ball that almost finished me off yesterday is all about balance.
Balance is a much better option that overreacting. Balance in life is what we need. Sometimes, two is greater than three and one is even better than two. Words like gradual, progress, process, patience, boundaries, etc...are all helpful.
I pray for balance for all of us. I pray we can respond to life in a way that is healthy and sustainable.
Today's training: A one hour run on the treadmill. I started off slow: 6.5 mph for 10 minutes. It is all my tight legs could handle. Once I got warmed up I was fine. Between 20 minutes and 50 minutes I was rolling between 8.5 mph and 9.5 mph. I slowed down the last 10 minutes. 7.61 miles total.
I saw a bunch of friends and people from the church during my time at the YMCA, so that was good and it always makes the time go faster.
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