Wednesday, January 19, 2011


John 16

Jesus concludes the John 16 with the following: I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.

In life a temptation exists to attempt avoiding tough times. By attempting to avoid trials and sorrows of life it is also possible we also avoid life itself. Kierkegaard writes: To dare is to risk losing your footing for a moment. Not to dare is to risk losing yourself.

Better to have an occasional slip along a meaningful journey than it is to never explore or adventure the gift of life.

To say yes to love means we also say yes to possible betrayal, hurts, and ouches. The moment we love another is the same moment we give somebody permission to hurt us. But, loving with the possibility of betrayal seems to be a much better option than not giving or experiencing love, doesn't it?

As hard as we try to avoid difficult times, they will still happen. Beyrayal befalls. Ouches occur. Hurts happen. But Jesus still says: Take heart, because I have overcome the world.

  • Are you missing out on life because of a fear of failure, rejection, and hurts?
  • Pray for the ability to take risks.
  • Pray also for God’s comfort and God's peace during the trials and sorrows of life.

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