Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Comfort and Alffliction

John 9

We all experience pain in life like the man in verses 1 to 7. When we suffer try not to get caught up on questions like, “Why did this happen?” Instead ask God for His strength and the help of others to deal with the pain. Think about ways God can be glorified (verse 4) through your sufferings.

  • What is your reaction to suffering? Do you turn to God?
  • Has God been glorified through your suffering? How?

In verses 35 to 41, Jesus discusses spiritual humility. Jesus notes he can spiritually heal people who know they are sinners. He also says he come to challenge those persons who think they have earned God's love and grace. (verses 39 to 41) A common non-biblical phrase for this: Jesus has come to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.

Pray that God uses uses you today to comfort somebody who needs to be comforted and to challenge somebody who needs to be challenged.

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