Tuesday, January 18, 2011


John 14

Think about betrayal. A time you have been betrayed. Then consider the words of Jesus from verse 1: Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God.

Betrayal hurts. The pain lingers. The scars don't disappear. But Jesus still says: Don't let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God.

When a loved one or a trusted one or a loved one who is trusted turns on us--God is remains with us. Jesus knows life is too short to be too troubled for too long.

Betrayal hurts. Jesus heals.

Scars last. God's presence lasts longer.

Trust God. Let Him carry your burdens.

  • What burdens do you continue to carry you know you should let go?
  • Pray for God to take your troubles and bear your burdens.

Verses 25 and 26 teach that God is with us to teach us everything and to remind us of the teachings of Jesus. The Greek word for Advocate / Counselor / Holy Spirit is parakletos which means the one who goes alongside.

  • During your time reading the Bible in the past few weeks, what has the Holy Spirit been teaching you?
  • What difference can it make in your life to understand that God goes alongside of you?
  • Pray to make yourself open to the instruction and guidance of the Holy Spirit.

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