Thursday, March 29, 2007

Creativity and Imagination

Creativity and Imagination

I took this picture of Benjamin this morning before school. I am blessed to have a kid who is so creative and so much fun. I don't know where he learned how to pose, but maybe he has a future as a bodybuilder.

After I dropped Benjamin off for school, I met Christy, Maureen, and Kurt for some running at the lake. We warmed up a few miles and then did 2 minutes fast and one minute slow. We repeated this eight times and cooled-down for about six miles. Christy came up with today's workout. Pretty creative, compared to just running.
Creativity and imagination aren't just for kids and marathon running women. Think of everything that has ever been invented...the wheel, the printing press, BBQ Sauce, the Snickers Bar, television, telephones, telescopes, airplanes, email, -- all by creative people with an imagination.
Here's the deal, God has given you imagination and creativity. Even if your imagination and creativity doesn't change the world or make you millions of dollars, there is something even more compelling--you can always imagine a better life and create a way for that image to become a reality.

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