Friday, May 14, 2010


Benjamin and I were talking the other day about his future. He was asking about the differences between public and private colleges, how long various professions need to go to school, and pros and cons of many different geographical regions of the United States. We didn’t really decide on too much. After the conversation ended, we began the more pressing work of memorizing his spelling words for the week and reviewing his multiplication tables.

A few weeks ago, at our Water’s Edge leadership meeting, we dreamed about the future. It was fun to look back at where we were three years ago and compare that to today. It was more exciting to look forward five years. It was the first time we had done this in a while, and just like Benjamin and I, the leadership team didn’t come up with a definite and clear vision, but we made some progress. I’ll continue to share about this in the weeks and months to come. After the vision conversation ended, we began talking about the basics of a church: kind of like spelling and math.
  1. Worship regularly. Worship is a spiritual meal that nourishes us. It shapes our lives about who we are and who God is.
  2. Pray. Pray for good decision making for our leadership team. Pray that The Water’s Edge will continue to provide people opportunities to connect with God and other people. Pray also as we seek to serve and love our city.
  3. Invite a guest to worship. We continue to grow each month. The single best way to share our faith is to bring them to a worship experience. With a 9:00 worship experience beginning on September 12th, we now have plenty of room to grow
  4. Join a small group. Although most of our small groups take a break in the summer, we are already planning for our small group launch in early September. We are seeking leaders. If you feel God leading you toward this ministry, email If you haven’t been in a small group before or have become disconnected, I encourage you to begin praying about trying a group out in September.
  5. Serve. It is my dream that everybody serves on a ministry team. We most look like Jesus when we serve. Serving is a great way for us to meet people. Serving also helps us to be part of a ministry that is changing peoples’ lives. We have over 250 people who serve at least once a month. To volunteer or learn more, simply sign-up on your registration card or register to serve at the connection’s table—we will be in touch with you.
  6. Share the joy! If you are currently in a small group or on a serving team—invite others to join you. God is blessing you and invites you to share the joy with others!

In Christ,


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