Thursday, January 2, 2014

My One Word

My One Word starts Sunday. Resolutions don’t always work and when they don’t work we feel like a failure. My One Word replaces broken promises with a vision for change. When we choose a single word we will have clarity and focus. We will move toward the future rather than swearing off our past. 

I’m excited to take this journey of growth with you on Sundays and I’m excited for our small groups to share in this process of transformation together.

Below are some men and women from our church who have already selected their one word. I know you will be just as inspired to read them as I was.

Shellie Gomes 

My one word for 2014 is PATIENCE 

Patience in God's timing (faith) 
Patience with myself 
Patience with my husband, children, family, and friends 
Patience with strangers

Slow down and demonstrate patience.

Imagine the world if everyone was just a bit more patient. 

Chad Schuchmann 

My One Word for 2014 is FOCUS 

I need to avoid distractions from the things that matter: 

Focus on being fully present with family and friends 
Focus on being more engaged when at work and study 
Focus on being consistent in time spent in my relationship with Jesus Christ. 

Jeff Neuhaus 

My one word for 2014 is TRUST 

Trust God when things are easy. Trust God when things are rough. Trust God's plan over my own. 

Instead of taking life into my own hands, I want to trust God more and know that His ways are better than my ways. 

Dionne Mason 

My one word is LOVE 

Love God 
Love Myself 
Love My Husband 
Love My Children 
Love My Family 
Love My Friends / Neighbors / Enemies 

Love unconditionally and expressively and strengthen those relationships further through the love of all people and all that is good. 

Jason Combs 

My one word for 2014 is COMMIT 

Commit to God 
Commit to life 
Commit to growth 
Commit to learn 
Commit to serve 
Commit to experience 

Mike Vaughn 

My one word for 2014 is PEACE 

To find a deeper peace in my heart that is anchored by an even stronger relationship with God. 

Doug Giffin

My one word for 2014 is BELIEVE 

Believe in God. 

Believe in myself, ‘cause God doesn’t make junk. 

Believe that I am God’s idea, that He has a plan and a purpose for me. 
I don’t have to understand it, only seek it; and Him. 

Believe that I am approved by God and that’s all that really matters because whose approval is more important anyway? 

Believe that whatever He asks of me, whichever direction I am nudged or pushed or prodded toward He has equipped me long before I ever started down that path. 

Believe that whatever load I am asked to carry, I can do it because He made me that way. He made me able. 

And finally, believe that whatever I have done or will do; I am forgiven.

It’s really not complicated, I will simply believe.

Erin Sieh 

My one word for 2014 is PURPOSE

Approach every day with purpose.

Approach everything I do with purpose.

If I don't have a purpose in doing something maybe it's not worth doing.

Simplify things on my to-do list by keeping the ones that have a purpose and aren't just cluttering up my life. Look at my busy calendar and ask "what will I gain this week from my busy schedule?" Find my purpose for the day or week and do something great with it.

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