Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Silent Prayer

Time of Silence #1 - Start with a time of silence. Enter the silence with no agenda. Just listen for hints of God. 

Scattered. Cluttered. Restless. Anxious. Bored. Broken. Overwhelmed. 
I come to You. 

I haul heavy burdens from the past. 
I carry busyness and distractions from today. 
I bring uncertainty and fears for the future. 

The world sends constant messages and keeps littering my life. 
I want to disconnect from the world’s voice and be still with You. 
I want to know You and be lead by you. 

Time of Silence #2 - Be silent. Relax. Enjoy the silence. You probably don’t get a lot of it.

You have created me for You and for You alone. 
Teach me that my heart and my mind will be restless until I find rest in you. 

Time of Silence #3 - Be silent. Give your burdens to God. Meditate what your life would look like if you fully accepted and experienced God’s forgiveness. 

You have created me to know You. 
Not just to know about You, but to know Your embrace. 

Time of Silence #4 - Be silent. You are alone with God. Simply spend time together. 

Almighty God – These things I ask of You: 

Replace scattered with focus. 
Replace cluttered with simple. 
Replace restlessness with harmony. 
Replace anxiety with peace. 
Replace boredom with passion. 
Replace broken with blessed. 
Replace overwhelmed with overwhelmed by Your presence. 

Time of Silence #5 - Close the prayer with a final time of silence. Be open to the work of the Holy Spirit in your life. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Enter the silence with no agenda. Just listen for hints of God."
PTL! Tossing my agenda out the door and following Gods. Thank you for the beautiful prayer... I'll be using the "Time's of Silence" during my prayer time.