Friday, January 28, 2011


Last week I wrote that The Water’s Edge Leadership Team will be focusing on seven initiatives in 2011. The initiatives are:

  1. Increasing discipleship for all of us as we learn, experience, and practice what it means to be a follower of Jesus Christ.
  2. Developing and deploying leaders. We have many community and business leaders in our congregation whom we are currently underutilizing in leadership roles at The Water’s Edge. New leaders walking alongside our existing leaders will allow us to continue growing, learning, serving, being, connecting, and loving.
  3. Growing participation at the 9:00 worship service. Our biggest achievement in 2010 was starting a new worship service. This service has allowed us to grow again. Our goal is to glorify God through worship and make both services as meaningful as possible to all participants.
  4. Discerning a clear vision that excites us, challenges us, and unifies us.
  5. Improving opportunities for middle school and high school students (especially students from families who are new to us in recent years) to connect with each other, to connect with God, and to serve our community.
  6. Developing a plan to acquire a permanent facility. Although Russell Middle School and Millard West High School have been excellent facilities for us, we cannot be renters with the school district forever. Four years ago when we had about 120 adults and children, we were very mobile. Today with 500 adults and children on most Sundays, we are much less mobile.
  7. Expanding financial stewardship. It will take additional financial giving to resource us for where God is leading us in the future.
Last week I shared some thoughts on increasing discipleship, expanding our leadership base, and growing participation in the 9:00 worship service. I will cover student ministries, a permanent facility, and financial stewardship in the near future. This morning I want to share about vision.

Proverbs 29:18 says: Where there is no vision, people will perish. In life, we are not limited so much by our age, our looks, our current resources, or our abilities, we are limited by our vision. Helen Keller once wrote, “The most pathetic person in the world is someone who has sight, but has no vision.” A God-honoring vision has four characteristics: 1) It is stimulating and challenging to our mind, 2) It excites our heart, 3) It is what we will build our lives by, and 4) It is what we will become.

I don’t exactly know exactly what the vision is going to look like, but I know it will build on our current strengths and challenge us to trust God as we move forward in a daring direction. I know it will involve prayer and reading / applying the Bible to our daily lives. I know it will involve small groups: encouraging, learning, sharing, serving, and growing together. I know it will include inviting new people to join us on the journey. And I know if will involve serving the poor and marginalized here in Omaha and throughout the world.

I’m excited about our future together and believe the best it yet to come…


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