Love overcomes denial and betrayal. In John 18, Peter denied Jesus three times. In John 21, verses 15 to 17, Jesus asked Peter if Peter loved Jesus three times. Peter affirmed three times he did. This exchange is a powerful witness to love overcoming hurt.
Think of some relationships you have that are strained or broken. Note the pattern of Peter and Jesus.
- Peter affirmed his love to Jesus.
- Jesus asked Peter to do what was most important to Jesus: feeding his sheep.
Effective communication helped restore the relationship.
Jesus asked Peter to feed his sheep. This was what was most important to him. Taking care of the flock. Since Jesus was going to be gone, he entrusted the work of the Church to Peter. The relationship had been restored. Not because of Peter's work (it hadn't happened yet), but because of Jesus and his ability to trust again and believe the best in others.
Jesus wants us to feed sheep as well. To have our place in the Church.
- Who has God put in your life so that you can care for them?
- What are you feeling compelled to do to serve others?
- Make a plan to care and serve others this week.
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