Sunday, January 9, 2011


John 15

We can make the mistake of trying to do more in life. Our culture teaches us that doing is essential. We are often evaluated and judged for what we do. Yet Jesus teaches in verse 4 that apart from God we can do nothing, much like fruit separated from its life source. The teaching of Jesus is to abide in God, to remain close to God, and to be near God. Life is first about being and the doing comes out of our being.

  • What in this teaching from Jesus and Craig’s sermon challenged you?
  • What adjustments in your life are you planning to make?

Jesus notes (verse 8) that a disciple produces fruit and producing fruit happens when we abide and are connected to God. We abide and remain in God by following God's Commandments. God has gives humanity the Law because He loves us and wants what is best for us. When we embrace God's love, trust in His Word, and abide with God by following God's Law, we are disciples who will live a fruitful and a blessed life.

Verses 12 to 17 display that Jesus never separates the love of God from the love of people. Jesus begins by talking about the human relationship with God (verses 1 to 11) and continues with human relationships (verses 12 to 17) concluding with simple command to love each other. This text makes a full circle when the reader realizes that abiding in God is keeping the commandments and the commandment is to love each other.

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