Thursday, February 15, 2007

Remembering Craig

Remembering Craig
When I arrived home for worship on Sunday morning, I learned of the death of a good friend, Craig Long. Craig's funeral is today in California. Craig and I were childhood buddies. We spent countless days and nights hanging out in his family's basement. We watched ESPN when ESPN was new. We wrestled together. We played practical jokes on pretty much anybody and everybody. Much of my time with him seems like it was just yesterday.

Craig and I journeyed down different roads in life. But every few years we would connect and it didn't seem like we ever missed a beat. Each time we had a little less hair, a little more wisdom, and hundreds of stories where we would shake our heads in disbelief thinking, "Man...I can't believe we did that."

It had been too long since we had seen each other. A few emails and a phone call here or there. I kept up with him through my mom and occasional contact with his parents. We possibly would have seen each other this summer. I'm sad I will never have another conversation that starts with the words, "Remember when..."

I admired what Craig accomplished in life. He was enterprising and a hard worker. He gets that from his parents. He worked in the PR department for the Oakland Raiders for a number of years and hosted a web cast that Amber and I had fun watching. Here is an article about Craig and his time with the Raiders. Craig accomplished so much for being so young.

As I was celebrating Valentine's Day last night with my family, my heart went out to Craig's family. I know he loved his wife Allison and his daughter Ava. Another daughter who will be born in June. His parents, Daryl and Dorothy, were so proud of him. Among the many things they would say is that he was a good son. Craig touched the lives of many.

Craig died of a heart attack at an age way too young. I am grateful that God put him in my life. When I think of Craig I will always smile.

Although it is insignificant in the grand scheme of things, I ran for two hours early this morning on a treadmill. Just over 15 miles. I alternated between flat, 5% incline, and 10% incline. I thought about Craig and his family. I remembered that life if a gift.

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