Thursday, October 1, 2015

God Has Outwitted Me and I'm Good With That

October is Pastor Appreciation Month.

I feel appreciated every month. As far as a pastor serving a congregation—I am blessed. I couldn’t imagine serving a more loving congregation. 

The only gift I hope for this month is something I want everybody at The Water's Edge to give me: the opportunity to pray for you.

Share with me your dreams and your desires. Your fears and failures. Your struggles and your successes. Share things about people you love the most and things about people you don't understand.

Text me. Email me. Tweet me. Post something on my Facebook wall if you want the world to see. Visit me at the office. Call me. Mail me a letter.

One of my great blessings in life is praying for people. I can't wait to hear from you!

Brother Lawrence wrote the book: The Practice in the Presence of God in 1691. When he became a monk he was convinced he would experience God the most through receiving the sacrament of communion multiple times per day. The educated man was assigned the task of washing dishes for his brothers. Tears ran down his face as he scraped the plates. Performing a necessary act of service for people he loved. The presence of God, for him, was found most in service. He wrote these words that go beyond truth: “Oh God, You have outwitted me.”

When I quit my job at the newspaper in 1997 and become a graduate student in theology I thought my primary role would be preacher and pastoral care giver. I get great joy and satisfaction out of those roles. But for me, I experience the presence of God when praying for others. 

God has outwitted me and I’m good with that.

I teach a class to new United Methodist preachers. One of the things I talk about is prophetic preaching. Speaking to the people on behalf of God. I give them a caveat though. I say something like: Before you talk to the people on behalf of God, make sure you are talking to God on behalf of the people.

I look forward to speaking to God on your behalf. The easiest way to share your prayer requests is to email me at Or you could text me, tweet me, post something on my Facebook wall if you want the world to see, visit me at the office, call me, or mail me a letter.

Praying for you,


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