Thursday, April 17, 2014

Maundy Thursday Prayer

Dear God,

You washed the disciple’s feet.
You showed me how to serve.
You tell me to do likewise.

Let my life be like Your life.
Enable me to follow Your example.
Make me a foot washer—a bold and daring servant.

Help me be mindful of the many opportunities for service in my life.
Let my service be a blessing and inspiration to others.
Bless me as I seek to act more like You every day.

I want to be faithful to You.
Not betraying You. Not denying You. But faithful.
Give me grace when I fail and wisdom and perseverance to keep growing.

I want to be loved by You.
Accepting of Your grace and power.
Let me love others as You continually and fully love me.

Give me the ears to listen to and understand others.
Give me the vision to see others through Your eyes.
Empower me to serve others like You.

Let me take the bread learn from Your life.
Let me take the wine and embrace your forgiveness.
Let me show the world I am Your disciple.


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