Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Proverbs 14:20-22
20 The poor are despised even by their neighbors, while the rich have many “friends.”
21 It is a sin to belittle one’s neighbor; blessed are those who help the poor.
22 If you plan to do evil, you will be lost; if you plan to do good, you will receive unfailing love and faithfulness.

Verse 20 - The way we feel about others should have nothing to do with what the other person can do for us. Proverbs notes people didn't act this way a few thousand years ago and his observation remains relevant for our culture today.
Verse 21 - Belittling others is a dysfunctional habit that creates barriers between us, others, and God. Sin in this verse shouldn't be thought of as breaking a dogmatic and rigid rule of just another item on the long list of things we should and shouldn't do. Rather, sin in this verse is self-destructive behavior that harms our relationships and therefore harms us. On a practical level: has belittling another ever helped you or anybody else in the long-term? In the short-term belittling others can give a boost to the ego by making us feel better about ourselves because others have been pushed down below us. Long-term the effects are devastating in the way we view humanity and in our interpersonal relationships.
Verse 22 - Life is kind of like a maze. Beginnings and endings both exist. At times we get stuck and lost. We have to make u-turns from time to time. Progress hopefully happens. The words of Scripture ring true: If you plan to do evil, you will be lost. Evil has to have a deliberate quality about it. Unintentional mistreatment of the moral rights of another is called negligence. Intentionally violating the moral rights of others makes us lost: everybody from the sinner to the saint knows such is the case. A guilty consciousness and a lack of authentic and mutually loving relationships is among the most severe consequence that any of us can face in life. Among the greatest rewards is found in the last half of verse 22: If you plan to do good, you will receive unfailing love and faithfulness.
A time for reflection:
The journey begins with God and continues with an evaluation of ourselves. Today we are challenged by Scripture to act in a loving way to others and to be inclusive in our view of who others are. Know this simple truth: are actions toward anybody effect our relationships with everybody.
A time for action:
  1. Starting today - Remove belittling others from your life.
  2. Today - Do a loving act or say a loving word to a poor or marginalized person. No strings attached. Make this a habit.
  3. Today - Do a loving action or say a loving word to the people most important in your life. Make this a habit.

1 comment:

Darren said...

Good stuff - keep it coming.