Thursday, June 27, 2013

What About the Death of Zoe?

The Greeks have two words for life: bios and zoe

Bios is the root for the English word biology. It means physical life. A heart that beats and lungs that breathe. The word is used 11 times in the New Testament, mostly by Luke, who was not surprisingly, a physician. 

Zoe is the other word for life. This word is used 127 times. It means loving, being loved, laughing, crying, relating, emoting, serving, listening, recovering, and being human. Jesus said: "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.” (John 3:16) Zoe. When he said: "The thief comes only to steal and kill; I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10) Again, the word is zoe.

The woman lies in a near motionless state. She is very sick and isn’t going to get better. She is surrounded by loved ones: her husband, children, sister, friends, and grandchildren. She is aware of their presence and even more aware of God’s presence. She is running out of bios but has plenty of zoe

The man is busy. His job is demanding. Getting the kids from place to place seems a bit much, at times. The household chores never seem to end. His responsibilities exceed his resources. He would describe his life as going through the motions. He is young and healthy and has more than enough bios, but he longs for zoe—even though he isn’t familiar with the word. 

When we think of death we usually think of bios. An accident, a disease, old-age—the body breaks down and the heart and lungs quit working. It is inevitable for all of us and everybody we know. But we know that life is so much more. 

What about the death of zoe? A life absent of meaningful relationships and absent of love. A life absent of trust. A life with little laughter and fewer tears. A life that doesn’t experience the joy of serving and listening. A life that accepts the defeat of dreams. A life where dysfunction is prevalent. A life with no recovery. A life where going through the motions is the norm. A life without God. 

Jesus taught the disciples everything they needed to know. He modeled what it meant to live in God’s image. He showed them what zoe was all about. And then he died. His death was the defeat of death and the death of defeat. Resurrection happens. It happens with bios. It happens with zoe. God gives us an abundant and an eternal life and we can live as resurrected people. 

The best is yet to come… 


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