Friday, August 5, 2011

Bible Reading Plan - 1 Peter

Thanks to Stephanie Reinhart for this week's Bible Reading Plan.

This week’s Bible reading plan takes us to the book of 1 Peter. In about five to ten minutes per day, you can read through the entire New Testament in one year. If you didn’t start on January 1st, start today and set a goal to make it through the book of 1 Peter this week. Stay consistent and make focused Bible reading a daily habit. 

Read the selected verses each day. 

Spend some time in prayer reflecting on how God spoke to you through the reading. 

Read the study guide for the day to dig a little deeper into a few selected verses. 

Respond to the questions and prayer guides as you apply the biblical teachings to your life. 

By the end of this week we will have read through Matthew, John, Acts, Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, 1 Timothy, 1 Thessalonians, James, 1 Peter, 1 John, 2 John, 3 John.

Sunday, August 7th – Read 1 Peter 1:1-9 

Peter opens this letter, addressed to the exiles that had been scattered and were being persecuted for their faith. He prayed for grace and peace to be multiplied upon them. He goes on to reassure them, and encourage them that their trials will serve to prove or establish their faith. Often we tend to allow trials to make us to feel shame, to retreat, grow angry, or even feel ineligible or barred from the peace and grace of God. Regardless of “why” trials come, God desires that we embrace His peace and grace. Ask God to give you His peace and grace for your trials, and to use you to encourage another today. 

Monday, August 8th – Read 1 Peter 1:13-23 

I love the way the New Living Translation puts verse 14, “So you must live as God's obedient children. Don't slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn't know any better then.” What are some areas in your life God is calling you to obedience; to live life His way? Write it down, then give it to God and ask for His grace to turn from your ways to His. Have you tried to make changes, break habits and walk in God’s ways without His help? 
God wants you to rely on Him for everything, even obedience! 

Tuesday, August 9th – 1 Peter 2:1-12 

God calls us to be like living stones and a holy people. He desires we grow up and mature, and truly follow Him in our daily lives. Verses in this passage refer to war being waged in our souls over the way we conduct our lives. In what ways are you are tempted, when no one is looking, to cut a corner, give into a craving, or handle something in a way you know you shouldn’t? Pray today and ask God to be to Governor of your heart, mind and soul, to infuse you with desire, willingness and His grace to live well. 

Wednesday, August 10th – 1 Peter 2:13-25 

Chapter two encourages us to live with integrity, respect authorities as well as one another. Peter reminds us not to allow our freedoms in Christ to be a cover-up, but to live as servants of God; honoring others and reverencing God. How does the word “authority” sit with you? Many of us have been subject to the abuse of authority by another at some point in our lives. This can often build a tendency to resist authority, rather than respect it. Ask God to free you from having a wrong reaction to authority, to help you keep focus on living in humility, with integrity and respect. 

Thursday, August 11th – 1 Peter 3:8-22 

Reread verses 8-9. Paul tells us to have “a tender heart, a humble mind and brotherly love for one another” and not to “repay evil for evil, but to bless”. Do you find it difficult to bless others, in thought, word or deed, when they’ve done you wrong? 1 Peter 2:21 reminds us that this is the way of life we’re called to. Christ lived his life as “an example, so that we might follow in his steps”. In every way He can, God desires to be a light for others through us. Pray blessings for those who have hurt you. Verse 3:9 “for to this you were called, that you may obtain a blessing.” 

Friday, August 12th – 1 Peter 4:8-16 

Peter shares, in verse 4:11, that it’s God’s desire that “in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ”. He’s not just interested in blessing us on Sunday, or at Small Group or Bible Study, but every day and in every circumstance. We’re to be good stewards of God’s grace regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves; sin or obedience, suffering or happiness. Have you given God your whole self, your whole day, your everything? Successes as well as trials come to us all in different ways and in different seasons. Pray with a thankful heart, that Christ is with you, has paid the price and paved the way for you to walk with Him all ways, and in all ways-every day. 

Saturday, August 13th –1 Peter 5:1-1

Regardless of where we are in our walk with Christ, Peter teaches us to clothe ourselves with humility toward one another. The Greek word used to describe humility in verse five is tapeinophrosýnē . It is defined as an inside-out virtue produced by comparing ourselves to the Lord (rather than to others). When we do this, it helps us have an inner revelation of humility that helps keep us from being self-exalting. How well are your clothes of humility fitting; in your relationships with your spouse or significant other, your parents, children, and coworkers? Ask God to cover your heart, mind, soul and strength with tapeinophrosýnē, and to cut away all pride that would stand in His way.

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