Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving Day Prayer

Dear God,
Create in me a thankful heart.
Develop in me a grateful mind.
Give me an appreciative spirit.

I confess feelings of jealously toward the actions of others.
I confess feelings of envy toward the possessions, attributes, and skills of others.I confess feelings of greed that have caused ungratefulness in my life.
Create in me a thankful heart.

I have focused on what I don’t have rather than what I do have.
I have taken for granted many of your blessings.
I have wanted more than I have needed.
Create in me a thankful heart.

For your fellowship
For my family
For my friends
I give you thanks.

For a warm bed to sleep and good food to eat
For clean water to drink and a clear mind to think
For comfortable clothes to wear and a life to share
I give you thanks.

For your grace for my mistakes
For your power when I am weak
For your love when I am alone
I give you thanks.

For your presence and promise in times of grief and trials
For your hope and light in days of despair and darkness
For creating the unique person I am
I give you thanks.

For laughter and smiles and hugs and most tears
For the ability to embrace and to be embraced
For recovery, restoration, repair, and reconciliation
I give you thanks.

Give me an appreciative spirit.
Develop in me a grateful mind.
Create in me a thankful heart.


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