Thursday, July 3, 2014

The Water's Edge in 450 Words

Thanks to Brad Krebs for writing this week's column.

What does The Water’s Edge mean to me?

There is no simple answer to that question. 

To ME: The Water’s Edge allows me to focus, reflect, and push towards becoming the man God wants me to be. Our church allows me to surround myself with other strong Christian brothers who challenge me to be a Christ centered man, husband, and father. The practical advice on Sunday mornings pushes me to get better each day and focus spending time with God and seeking His will for my life. My small group allows me to discuss the latest sermon with other people in a similar stage of life and allows me to grow in communion with others.

To MY MARRIAGE: Julia and I started our marriage at The Water’s Edge. We were able to be mentored by a strong Christian couple who opened up their lives to us. Through this mentoring and pre-marital meetings with Craig, our marriage started with our priorities in the right place: a three-way relationship with each other and God. Our church has also given us many married couples to interact with, learn from, and grow with on Sundays. Messages by Craig give practical advice for the most important family relationship, the one between me and Julia. Our small group allows us to surround ourselves with other couples. Julia and I grow closer together as we learn and grow with others in our small group. Most importantly, we get the chance to pray for each other. 

To MY FAMILY: Being a parent is more difficult than I ever thought it would be. Being a father to young kids is a full-time job. Low pay, but really high rewards! I am a much better parent because of The Water’s Edge. The FROG Pond is populated with volunteers who share God’s love with our kids through lessons, activities, and presence. I know that my children will learn Biblical truths not just at home, but in an inviting Christian community every week. Seeing the number of involved young people, in a multitude of service and mission roles, helps me know that we chose the right church for our children to grow closer to God as they grow up. Being surrounded by other families on Sunday mornings and in our small group gives us encouragement and is such a blessing to us.

Julia and I strive to be involved in all aspects of The Water’s Edge: praying, Sunday involvement, small groups, giving, and serving. Going “all-in” at The Water’s Edge has already benefited my children, my wife, my family, and me. I can’t wait for the future. As a wise man says: “The best is yet to come…” 

In Christ,

Brad Krebs

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