Thursday, January 3, 2013

Reflections on Turning One

Looking back and looking forward. Both are necessary. Jesus says not to spend too much time doing either of them or you will miss out on the present. But both are still necessary. Celebrate, recover, and learn from the past. Hope, dream, and plan for the future. And live for today. 

Last year at this time, The Water’s Edge had a worship service to celebrate our birth as a United Methodist Church. We committed to God and each other that we would generously give our time, energy, and resources to create a healthy and growing church that will serve people in Omaha and throughout the world.

2012 – A community of gathered people with new responsibilities and new opportunities 

You demonstrated kindness and compassion. We collected thousands of pounds of food for people right here in Omaha; we gave thousands of dollars to our missionaries in Africa and Europe; we sent dozens of people to serve in Belize, Georgia, and Missouri; and we canceled worship one day and hundreds of us loved and embraced our city. 

We created healthy and sustainable financial and information systems and a solid leadership structure. Many good people gave a lot of time, behind the scenes, and performed these necessary tasks with excellence. 

Your generosity allowed us to purchase a ministry center. Volunteers did most of the work to finish the building. The ministry center is a blessing to our church and community. 

Your vision led us to purchase 23.3 acres of land at 198th and Harrison Streets. This will be the home of our future church campus. To say that exciting times are in front of us is an understatement. 

Your commitment to God, The Water’s Edge, our community, and each other is allowing us to be debt free at the conclusion of our WE imagine Campaign. We have given or have pledged to give $1.3 million to fund and resource our land purchase. 

Dozens of volunteers serve weekly on children’s and youth ministry teams. We do nothing more important than this. 

You have continued to invite your friends and neighbors to worship, serve, and grow with us. Over 1,200 people worshipped at The Water’s Edge during our Christmas Eve worship experiences. 

2013 – A community of growing disciples planting seeds and preparing the soil for fruitfulness in our individual and collective lives 

My mentor once told me: “Healthy and growing people create healthy and growing churches.” During these next twelve months we are going to intentionally interact with the Gospel and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. The Water’s Edge will provide resources and opportunities to both comfort and challenge you. The dream is, one year from now, that we have grown and experienced greater health in our relationships with God, each other, and the world. 

The best is yet to come… 


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