I have decided to quit running. I may just scrap exercising all together. I am definitely not going to Boston in two weeks. And, I am getting rid of all running related products. Here is my running will--you all just need to come over and get the stuff...
To Maureen:
I have 17 cases of Diet Lipton Green Ice Tea in my garage. It's all yours. Now that I am not training, I can drink the real stuff.
To Gary:
I have figured out a way to make burping babies and changing diapers an effective form of cross training. I'll give you my secret now that I am not trying to become fast like you are.
To Will:
My Garmin 305. You will become a convert the first time using it!
To Christy:
You get my "I Eat Marathons For Breakfast T-Shirt." It may be a little big for you, but you will look great in it!
To Kurt:
Our feet are the same size, so you can have my Asics Gel Nimbus training shoes and my Asics Gel Ohana Racing shoes.
To Joanie:
You get all my Clif Bars. I have a couple dozen left of various flavors. Heck, I'll throw in a full container of Go Grape Cytomax.
I am going to spend my spare time becoming a nature photographer. I started out with these tulips outside our house this afternoon.
There's no money in photography either ...
Hey Diane,
I won 25 bucks for winning my age group at the race Saturday. That is the good news. The not-so-good news, it is a gift certificate to a running store in Lincoln, so by the time I drive down there and back, I think I will lose money on the deal.
Oh well, they had really good chocolate chip cookies after the race. That was worth it right there.
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